The Vines Weather
The Vines, Western Australia
Language:  English
Updated07/11/2024 21:03 

METARS-Meteorological Aerodrome Reports


YPEA - Pearce (aus-Afb), Australia
Distance from station: N 11km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from S
Wind: S 13 km/h
Temperature: 14°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 72%
Barometer: 1017 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPEA 071230Z AUTO 19007KT 9999 // NCD 14/09 Q1017
YPPH - Perth Intl/Belmo, Australia
Distance from station: S 19km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from S
Wind: S 24 km/h
Temperature: 16°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 63%
Barometer: 1017 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPPH 071230Z 18013KT CAVOK 16/09 Q1017
YPJT - Jandakot, Australia
Distance from station: SSW 39km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from S
Wind: S 17 km/h
Temperature: 16°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 68%
Barometer: 1017 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPJT 071230Z AUTO 17009KT 9999 // NCD 16/10 Q1017
YBLN - Busselton, Australia
Distance from station: SSW 220km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from S
Wind: S 13 km/h
Temperature: 12°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 82%
Barometer: 1019 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YBLN 071230Z AUTO 17007KT 9999 // NCD 12/09 Q1019
YGEL - Geraldton, Australia
Distance from station: NNW 353km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Light rain, Showers, Few clouds
Light rain, Showers, Few clouds
 Wind from SSE
Wind: SSE 28 km/h
Temperature: 18°C
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 73%
Barometer: 1015 hPa
Summary: Light rain, Showers
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 3200 m
2024/11/07 12:30 YGEL 071230Z AUTO 16015KT 9999 -SHRA FEW105 18/13 Q1015
YPKG - Kalgoorlie/Bould, Australia
Distance from station: E 529km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 6 km/h
Temperature: 22°C
Dew Point: -1°C
Humidity: 22%
Barometer: 1016 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPKG 071230Z AUTO 12003KT 9999 // NCD 22/M01 Q1016
YPLM - Learmouth, Australia
Distance from station: N 1077km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 30 km/h
Temperature: 26°C
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 54%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPLM 071230Z AUTO 23016KT 9999 // NCD 26/16 Q1011
YFRT - Forrest, Australia
Distance from station: E 1155km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from SSE
Wind: SSE 24 km/h
Temperature: 16°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 55%
Barometer: 1019 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YFRT 071230Z AUTO 15013KT 9999 // NCD 16/07 Q1019
YPPD - Port Hedland Arr, Australia
Distance from station: NNE 1294km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from WNW
Wind: WNW 13 km/h
Temperature: 29°C
Heat Index: 33°C
Dew Point: 24°C
Humidity: 74%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPPD 071230Z AUTO 30007KT 9999 // NCD 29/24 Q1009
YBRM - Broome Airport, Australia
Distance from station: WNW 12km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from NNW
Wind: NNW 15 km/h
Temperature: 29°C
Heat Index: 37°C
Dew Point: 27°C
Humidity: 89%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 274 m
2024/11/07 12:30 YBRM 071230Z AUTO 33008KT 9999 // FEW009 29/27 Q1010
YCIN - Curtin/Derby, Australia
Distance from station: ENE 163km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:37

 Wind from NNE
Wind: NNE 30 km/h, Gust: 48 km/h
Temperature: 31°C
Heat Index: 35°C
Dew Point: 22°C
Humidity: 59%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:37 YCIN 071237Z AUTO 03016G26KT 9999 // ////// 31/22 Q1011
YPKU - Kununurra Airpor, Australia
Distance from station: ENE 719km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
 Wind from NNW
Wind: NNW 6 km/h
Temperature: 30°C
Heat Index: 31°C
Dew Point: 19°C
Humidity: 52%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 3505 m
2024/11/07 12:30 YPKU 071230Z AUTO 33003KT 9999 // SCT115 30/19 Q1010
YPTN - Katherine/Tindal, Australia
Distance from station: ENE 1138km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 7 km/h
Temperature: 31°C
Heat Index: 32°C
Dew Point: 18°C
Humidity: 46%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YPTN 071230Z AUTO 11004KT 350V150 9999 // NCD 31/18 Q1011
YPDN - Darwin (civ/Mil), Australia
Distance from station: ENE 1105km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from NW
Wind: NW 15 km/h
Temperature: 30°C
Heat Index: 36°C
Dew Point: 25°C
Humidity: 75%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 549 m
2024/11/07 12:30 YPDN 071230Z 31008KT 9999 FEW018 30/25 Q1011
YBAS - Alice Springs Ar, Australia
Distance from station: ESE 1364km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
 Wind from calm
Wind: Calm
Temperature: 24°C
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 50%
Barometer: 1015 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 10 km
2024/11/07 12:30 YBAS 071230Z AUTO 00000KT 9999 // NCD 24/13 Q1015
WATT - El Tari, Indonesia
Distance from station: N 878km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from S
Wind: S 6 km/h
Temperature: 28°C
Heat Index: 34°C
Dew Point: 27°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1012 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 8 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 549 m
2024/11/07 12:30 WATT 071230Z 17003KT 8000 FEW018 28/27 Q1012 NOSIG
WADL - Bandara, Indonesia
Distance from station: NNW 1215km
Updated: 07/11/2024 21:00
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 2 km/h
Temperature: 28°C
Heat Index: 32°C
Dew Point: 24°C
Humidity: 79%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 7 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 488 m
2024/11/07 13:00 WADL 071300Z 19001KT 7000 BKN016 28/24 Q1011 NOSIG
WADD - Bali Intl, Indonesia
Distance from station: NW 1286km
Updated: 07/11/2024 20:30
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 13 km/h
Temperature: 29°C
Heat Index: 37°C
Dew Point: 27°C
Humidity: 89%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 488 m
2024/11/07 12:30 WADD 071230Z 12007KT 9999 SCT016 29/27 Q1010 NOSIG